Riding the bus in West Yorkshire

Get more from your journey in Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

Here you’ll find everything you need to travel around West Yorkshire by bus with ease. Use our journey planning tools and ticket and pass information to get you where you want to go from Metro, the transport network of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and MCard.

MCard provides the freedom and convenience of unlimited journeys on any bus or train operator across the county.  They are the only provider of bus tickets for under 19s in West Yorkshire and the DaySaver bus ticket for unlimited journeys on any West Yorkshire bus.

Individual bus operators also sell tickets for use on their services only.  Visit their websites for further information or a list of operators is provided on the Metro website.

  1. MCard Mobile App

    The quick and easy way to travel in West Yorkshire with your travel tickets bought and stored in your iOS or Android smartphone.

    Read more about MCard Mobile App
  2. Park and Ride

    A cheaper way to travel into the city with three sites across Leeds at Stourton, Temple Green and Elland Road.

    Read more about Park and Ride