Trauma Informed Approach

We have a joint ambition to work together with people with lived experience and colleagues across all sectors and organisations to ensure West Yorkshire is a trauma informed and responsive system by 2030.

We have a joint ambition to work together with people with lived experience and colleagues across all sectors and organisations to ensure West Yorkshire is a trauma informed and responsive system by 2030.

Understanding that life experiences can be the root cause of poor health is integral to building a trauma informed system.

People experiencing traumatic experiences when young such as abuse, violence, neglect, poverty, or discrimination are more likely to be affected later in life, for example, depression, anxiety, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, substance misuse or behavioural problems.

Trauma can be the catalyst for future harm, not just among individuals, but families and communities. By recognising this and acting as a partnership, we can pre-empt and counter experiences of serious violence, whilst supporting better public health. I would call on others across West Yorkshire to join us in the journey to becoming a ‘trauma informed’ system by 2030. We can help you to meet any gaps and to be part of the charter.

Det Chief Supt Lee Berry Director of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership

Learn more about our visions and plans for becoming Trauma Informed

  1. How your organisation can get involved

  2. Readiness Checklist

  3. News and Blogs

The West Yorkshire Adversity, Trauma and Resilience Programme is jointly delivered by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership.