West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy

The West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy sets out the plan to eradicate all road deaths and serious injuries in the county by 2040.

No serious injury or death on our roads by 2040

Vision Zero is a road safety aim to eliminate all traffic deaths and serious injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all in West Yorkshire. It advocates that no deaths or serious injuries are acceptable and argues for the joint responsibility of all road users for safety, alongside all those who plan, design, build, maintain, legislate, and enforce the transport system.

View the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy and Strategy at a Glance documents

Vision Zero Strategy Cover

View the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy       View the Strategy at a Glance leaflet


West Yorkshire: No serious injury or death on our roads by 2040

Following consultation and engagement with both the public and partners, the following key areas were highlighted as the most significant priorities to focus on within our initial Vision Zero Strategy across the five pillars.

These key priority areas have been reviewed and specific actions set for partners to address during the three-year strategy period. The actions have been structured to give partners the focus for the first 12 months of the strategy as well as medium-term goals. While we recognise that we cannot achieve all our goals for a safe system immediately, we believe these will allow us to make progress towards our ambitious aim to prevent deaths and serious injuries on our roads. We will review the strategy and our progress towards the end of the three years, allowing us to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities and making sure our focus is targeted in the right areas.

Key themes

What we need to focus on:

  • Safe roads - Creating safe roads involves changes to the physical road environment to prevent collisions from happening or reduce their impact.
  • Safe behaviours - We want all road users, regardless of how they travel, to know how to keep themselves safe and look out for others.
  • Safe speeds - Inappropriate speed contributes to around 25% of fatal crashes (D f T, 2023. Reported road casualties Great Britain, annual report: 2022)
  • Safe vehicles - The vehicles people use to travel should be roadworthy and meet national regulations, so we know they are safe for people to use. New vehicle technology should be used to improve in-vehicle safety and promote safe local driving.
  • Post-collision response - This pillar relates to the support and learning necessary after a crash has occurred.

Cross-cutting themes

Where we will put our energy:

  • Community involvement - We will involve communities in West Yorkshire to allow them to understand and influence initiatives where they live and travel, including road safety infrastructure, enforcement, and victim support.
  • Data-led improvements - We will ensure that we use available evidence to influence our work, evaluate our initiatives to make sure we use resources effectively and explore new types of data to address any gaps in our knowledge.
  • Education and awareness - We will ensure that we communicate effectively within our communities to influence knowledge and behaviours alike.
  • Providing justice - Whilst some elements of the criminal justice system are influenced at a national level, we recognise our role in influencing national legislation to help ensure that the collective voice of West Yorkshire is heard.

Sign the Vision Zero Pledge

We can all improve road safety. Sign the pledge and make a commitment to how you will bring about change. You can also dedicate your pledge in someone's memory.

Contact West Yorkshire Vision Zero

If you want to find out more about Vision Zero, you can get in touch with the team.




Vision Zero Team
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Wellington House
40-50 Wellington Street

Local Transport Plan Consultation

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority are also consulting on the Local Transport Plan (which will guide policy and investment for transport in West Yorkshire up to 2040 and align with Vision Zero).

More on Vision Zero

  1. Safe Systems

    The Safe System is an approach to road safety which puts people at the centre, with a view that every road death or serious injury is preventable.

    Read more about Safe Systems
  2. The Fatal 5

    Investigations into collisions show that many road deaths were preventable and that there are five main contributory factors that cause serious road traffic collisions. These are known as the 'Fatal Five'.

    Read more about The Fatal 5
  3. Report road safety issues

    The public have a key role to play in helping to deliver Vision Zero. You can assist road safety by reporting concerns to the responsible agency.

    Read more about Report road safety issues