The Fatal 5

Investigations into collisions show that many road deaths were preventable and that there are five main contributory factors that cause serious road traffic collisions. These are known as the 'Fatal Five'.

The Fatal Five

Investigations into collisions show that many road deaths were preventable and that there are five main contributory factors that cause serious road traffic collisions. These are known as the 'Fatal Five'.

The Fatal Five are:

  • Careless driving
  • Drink and drug driving
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Using a mobile phone
  • Speeding

Road users who commit one of the Fatal Five offences are far more likely to be involved in a fatal collision than those who do not.

We can all improve road safety - always drive carefully and at safe speeds, never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs, always wear a seatbelt, and keep hands off of your phone.

More on Vision Zero

  1. Safe Systems

    The Safe System is an approach to road safety which puts people at the centre, with a view that every road death or serious injury is preventable.

    Read more about Safe Systems
  2. Report road safety issues

    The public have a key role to play in helping to deliver Vision Zero. You can assist road safety by reporting concerns to the responsible agency.

    Read more about Report road safety issues