Custody Visiting

Custody Visitors have an independent role, checking that people held in police custody (not yet convicted of any offence) are being properly treated.


Custody Visitors have an independent role, checking that people held in police custody (not yet convicted of any offence) are being properly treated.

When a person is arrested by the police, they are taken to a custody suite where they are detained whilst the details of the case are investigated. To promote transparency, and provide reassurance to communities about the treatment of detainees, an Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) scheme is in place.


The Scheme

The Scheme is operated locally by the Mayor of West Yorkshire, independent of West Yorkshire Police. ICVs are volunteers, over the age of 18, from a variety of backgrounds and different communities, all whom live or work within West Yorkshire who have broadly based interests in the local community. ICVs can enter a custody suite in pairs, unannounced, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are expected to make at least 24 visits spread evenly over a 12 month period. Custody Visitors are encouraged to make visits anytime during the day or night. All custody visits are made without prior notice to the custody suites.



The recruitment window is currently closed however you can express your interest to the scheme manager and find out more about the role on our dedicated ICV recruitment page.



Following an enquiry into the Brixton and Toxteth Disorders in 1981, Lord Scarman's report recommended that random checks be made by persons other than police officers on interview and detention of suspects in police custody.

Following successful pilots, the West Yorkshire Independent Custody Visiting Scheme was introduced in 1983.

A number of changes to the operation of the Scheme have been made over the years; most recently, Section 51 of the Police Reform Act 2002 placed custody visiting on a statutory footing

In preparing the Scheme, the Mayor has had regard to the Code of Practice on Independent Custody Visiting issued by the Home Office under section 51(6) of the Act.


Visiting Arrangements

ICVs are volunteers, over the age of 18, from a variety of backgrounds and different communities, all whom live or work within West Yorkshire who have broadly based interests in the local community. Although Custody Visitors may be directed to visit specified police custody suites on rostered visits to ensure an even spread of visits throughout the county, in the majority of cases they can choose when and where to visit.

Custody Visitors speak directly to detained people to ensure that detainees understand their rights and entitlements whilst in custody, and check on their general feeling and welfare. Custody Visitors can also check around the cells, and some areas of the custody suite, for example the food preparation area. They are volunteers and completely independent of the police service.

Visits are always conducted in pairs, and visitors report only to the West Yorkshire Mayor. Issues raised by ICVs are dealt with anonymously by the Mayor's Office, and are taken up directly with West Yorkshire Police; custody visitors remain independent of both the detainee and the police.


Custody Visitor Findings 2022- 23

Custody Visitors complete a report form each time they visit a custody suite. The report form details the findings from the visit, and the form is sent to the Policing and Crime Team within the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The ICV findings are raised with West Yorkshire Police for action, or in some cases, for information. Recurring or significant findings are raised with senior officers within West Yorkshire Police.

Custody Visiting Annual Report

The annual report for West Yorkshire's Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme can be found below. This report provides an overview of the ICV scheme and the fantastic work our Independent Custody volunteers have been doing, including statistics on our volunteers, matters arising from the visits and custody visiting data.

Custody Visiting Annual Report 2022 - 2023 (Word document 2MB)

Custody Visiting Annual Report 2021 - 2022 (Word document 2MB)


HMICFRS – Joint Inspection of Police Custody in West Yorkshire

This report describes the findings following an inspection of West Yorkshire Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and the Care Quality Commission in September 2023. The inspection assessed the effectiveness of custody services and outcomes for detained people throughout the different stages of detention. It examined West Yorkshire Police’s approach to custody provision in relation to detaining people safely and respectfully, with a particular focus on children and vulnerable adults.

West Yorkshire – Joint inspection of police custody (link to HMICFRS website)



All newly appointed Custody Visitors are required to undertake training prior to taking up their custody visiting duties. In addition to the initial training, Custody Visitors are required to attend training seminars and meetings held during their period of appointment. ICVs will be provided with ongoing training, development and support throughout their appointment.