About the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

The DMPC works with the Mayor to oversee policing in the county, on behalf of the public.

Alison Lowe OBE is the West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC).

When the Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, was re-elected on 4 May 2024, they nominated Alison Lowe as their preferred candidate for Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC).

The appointment of this position was confirmed at a hearing of the Police and Crime Panel on Friday 14 June.

The DMPC works with the Mayor to oversee policing in West Yorkshire, on behalf of the public.

Other key functions include commissioning services to support those harmed by crime and reduce reoffending, consulting the public to ensure that their views and priorities are taken into account, strengthening links such as inclusive growth and community safety and cohesion.

The DMPC role is a senior appointment with substantial delegated authority from the Mayor covering policing and crime. Under the Policing Protocol Order 2011 there are a number of policing and crime duties that cannot be delegated and the Mayor will retain responsibility for them. These are:

  • Setting the policing budget and precept.
  • Production of a Police and Crime Plan for West Yorkshire.
  • The appointment and dismissal of a Chief Constable.


Alison is a proud Yorkshire lass and has worked in the Voluntary Sector for 30 years, combining this with an interest in local politics and community involvement.

Most recently as Chief Executive at Touchstone, a mental health and wellbeing charity based in West and South Yorkshire, she specialised in working with diverse communities.

Ms Lowe has also represented Armley on Leeds City Council from 1990 to 2019, as well as serving as Chair of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel for 5 years.

Alison was the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime between 2021-2024 and has been nominated by the Mayor as the preferred candidate from 2024-2028. Alison is passionate about inclusion as a Black woman and mother of 2 gay children and she worked with the police to deliver the Mayor's pledge to recruit more diverse police officers and staff. Alison has also supported the force more widely on further developing an anti-racist and anti- misogynistic culture to make West Yorkshire an even better place to live and work.


Contact Alison

Email: DeputyMayor.Policing@westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Phone: 0113 348 1740 (Please leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you)

Write: West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 2DE


Meet Alison

Alison holds regular surgeries where individuals can book a 15 minute appointment either via MS Teams, telephone or face to face at various, accessible venues across West Yorkshire.

Surgery appointments allow people across West Yorkshire the opportunity to talk directly to their Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime about policing, crime and safety, to ask questions and to listen to what Alison is doing to make West Yorkshire safe, just and inclusive.

We can offer you a 15 minute appointment with Alison between 14:00 and 16:00 on the following dates:

  • Friday 26th July 2024
  • Friday 18th October 2024
  • Friday 24th January 2024

If you would like to request an appointment, please email, telephone or write to us (contact details below), with brief details of why you would like to speak with Alison. You may have one other person with you at the appointment and a member of our casework team will attend to take notes and follow up any agreed actions or outcomes with you.

For anyone who would prefer a face to face meeting, a venue will be arranged so that it is as safe and convenient as possible for everyone and confirmation of the arrangements will be provided to those attending shortly beforehand.

For anyone who would prefer an MS Teams appointment, you will need an email address and access to a computer and a link to the meeting will be emailed to you.

Please note that neither the Mayor nor the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime have any powers given to them to deal with complaints about police officers and staff. We may, therefore, decline your request if it relates to a police complaint matter or where there is ongoing legal action.

Further information about West Yorkshire Police’s complaints process

Email: policingandcrime@westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Phone: 0113 348 1740 (Please leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you)

Write: West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 2DE