Mass Transit West Yorkshire

Trams are on their way, time to have your say. Share your views on phase one of our Mass Transit plans.

Have your say in our consultation

Have your say on phase one of our Mass Transit plans

Mass Transit is a large-scale public transport system which usually connects cities and suburban areas. Typically, Mass Transit would use one or more modern high-capacity bus, tram or tram-train type vehicles.

We will design our Mass Transit system for people of all ages and abilities, and it will be safe and secure for all. It will reflect the region’s diverse communities and be affordable and easy to use. This will be a tram that is for everyone, and we want to hear what this means for you. 

To take part in our online public consultation before 30 September, and to find out when our in-person events are taking place, visit the Mass Transit Your Voice Hub.

Share your views

Why Mass Transit?

We believe West Yorkshire is a truly special place to live and work. There’s so much on offer. But people can’t enjoy or benefit from what they can’t easily reach. No one should be limited or restricted by where they live. Because restricted travel means restricted opportunities.

Even with all the improvements we have planned for our trains, buses, walking and cycling routes, we still won’t have completed the transport network our region wants, needs and deserves. Not without the addition of something new, ambitious and transformative.

That’s why we’re exploring Mass Transit options: new forms of transport, not currently used in West Yorkshire, that could transform our public transport network and make it even more accessible for everyone.

Phase one of Mass Transit

Our aim is to eventually connect the whole of West Yorkshire, but for phase one we are proposing two lines: the Leeds Line and the Bradford Line. There are different kinds of Mass Transit vehicles but the most common to see in cities is trams, which we are proposing for phase one of the network.

At the heart of our Mass Transit plans is you – the wonderful West Yorkshire folk. And now it’s time to have your say on these proposals and help shape the future of transport in our region.



What does phase one of the Mass Transit plans involve?

Proposed plans for the Leeds Line

The Leeds Line proposes options that connect key landmarks and offers unique benefits, from improved access to our hospitals, jobs, universities and colleges to enhancement to our beautiful green spaces. 

Have your say on the proposed plans for a tram line in Leeds.

Proposed plans for the Bradford Line

For the Bradford Line, the proposed options promise to redefine the urban journey from Bradford city centre to Leeds city centre, improve public spaces, drive economic growth, and ensure faster, more reliable access to essential destinations, while linking key communities in between. 

Take part in our consultation and share your views on the proposed plans for a tram line in Bradford.

Mass Transit plans for West Yorkshire

A new Mass Transit system for West Yorkshire will be fully integrated with cycling, walking, bus and rail. This will be a transformational investment for our region, encouraging businesses to invest in the North and in turn creating new job opportunities for our residents, benefitting generations to come. 

But this is just the beginning, as the first phase gets underway, we will continue to develop our plans for the rest of the region. In parallel we will continue to work with Kirklees Council on the Dewsbury Line development project, as well as Calderdale Council and Wakefield Council for future phases. We’ll do everything we can to make sure that no part of West Yorkshire is left behind. 

Why do we need a Mass Transit network in West Yorkshire?

Even with all the improvements we have planned for our existing train, bus, walking, cycling, and driving infrastructure, public transport is often still overcrowded, and roads are congested, especially during rush hour. If we do nothing, these issues will only continue to worsen so we need to act now.

Mass Transit can help fix these issues. We can increase our transport capacity as trams are able to carry approximately four times the number of passengers of a typical bus. Trams can also be segregated from traffic, spending less time sat in traffic jams, making them quicker and more reliable than other modes. It will be integrated with the bus, rail, walking and cycling network making journeys seamless for all.

Mass Transit is essential to bringing people and places closer together, to helping our communities thrive and economy flourish.

How will Mass Transit be delivered?

Development of the whole network will be a long-term project which will be delivered in phases. We propose that phase one be a tram that will connect Bradford and Leeds and St James’s University Hospital with South Leeds.

A phased approach has proven successful in other city regions which have delivered Mass Transit systems of a similar size and scale, like Manchester and the West Midlands.

Delivering phases in a sequenced approach will help maintain our momentum and enable the network to grow over time to meet the travel demands of people in the region and deliver long lasting benefits.

How much will Mass Transit cost and how will it be funded?

Mass Transit will be a considerable investment and would deliver substantial benefits to West Yorkshire, for generations to come.

The government has allocated an initial £200 million to develop our Mass Transit plans between now and 2027. This would cover design, consultation, environmental appraisal, consenting and some initial enabling works.

When will Mass Transit be built and when will we be able to travel on it?

Phase one is planned to begin construction in 2028 and begin operation by the early 2030s.

What needs to happen before construction can begin?

Before building work can begin, there are a series of consultation and legal processes we need to complete.

We will be consulting with you firstly, about the options for initial routes this summer. Once the preferred routes have been chosen, we will hold a further consultation in 2025. There will be plenty of opportunities to have your say and help shape Mass Transit.

The consultations will help inform the ongoing work we will be doing to prepare our Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) submissions , the legal process that provides consent for us to start construction.

You can have your say with our consultation.

What consultation and engagement has happened so far?

Our Mass Transit proposals have been developed in response to feedback on our two Mass Transit Vision 2040 consultations. In 2021, a public engagement was held on the Connectivity Plan, which featured the Vision 2040, and asked for views on the proposed corridors.

A revised Vision was consulted on in October 2022 to January 2023. Statutory consultees and the public were able to comment and provide their views.

You can find out more about each consultation on the Your Voice page. You can also register to Your Voice to keep up to date with the results of consultation and engagement activities. Find out more information.

Find out more about

  1. Transport strategy

    Our ambition is to create a modern, world-class, well-connected transport system that makes travel around West Yorkshire easy and reliable.

    Read more about Transport strategy
  2. Improving West Yorkshire's buses

    Our vision is for buses to be the first choice for travel in West Yorkshire - not because you don’t have a car, but because buses are more affordable, convenient to use, and better for the environment.

    Read more about Improving West Yorkshire's buses