State of the Region Report

The State of the Region provides a stocktake of the region using indicators mapped against the five missions of the West Yorkshire Plan.

State of the Region 2023/24 is the third annual review of the performance of West Yorkshire against key socioeconomic, transport and environmental themes.

It provides a stocktake using indicators mapped against the five missions of the West Yorkshire Plan.

Find out more about the plan and our missions to help us create a brighter West Yorkshire.

The report finds:

  • West Yorkshire's economic output recovered strongly in 2021 (latest data available) as pandemic restrictions were lifted. Over the most recent 5-year period its economy has grown faster than the national average, both in overall terms but also per head of population
  • The employment rates of key groups, including women, disabled people and people from ethnic minorities are all on a long-term upward trend, while the ethnicity employment rate gap is falling.
  • The region outperforms the national average on coverage of gigabit-capable fixed internet (broadband) and mobile 4G services.
  • Average ratings of personal well-being improved in 2021/22 among West Yorkshire residents
  • An estimated 30% of West Yorkshire households are in fuel poverty (defined as households living on a low income in a home that cannot be kept warm at a reasonable cost).
  • In line with the national trend, West Yorkshire’s greenhouse gas emissions increased year-on-year in 2021 as the economy re-opened following the pandemic. From more recent national figures we expect that the data for 2022 will show the pre-pandemic reduction in emissions has resumed.
  • More trips are made by bus and on foot by West Yorkshire residents than nationally.

The intelligence from State of the Region informs the Combined Authority’s decision-making and is vital to work done in the region to improve many aspects of people’s lives.