Privacy notice and cookie policy

This website is operated and controlled by West Yorkshire Combined Authority. West Yorkshire Business and Skills, Invest West Yorkshire and CityConnect are all brands of the Combined Authority which remains the data controller and the responsible statutory body in relation to these brands.

This website is operated and controlled by West Yorkshire Combined Authority. West Yorkshire Business and Skills, Invest West Yorkshire and CityConnect are all brands of the Combined Authority which remains the data controller and the responsible statutory body in relation to these brands.

The Combined Authority processes all data fairly and lawfully in line with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Data collection

The personal information we collect is that which data subjects provide to the organisation via direct engagement. This includes, but is not limited to information provided via:

  • consultation responses
  • complaints and feedback
  • survey responses
  • applications for travel passes
  • job applications and employee information
  • applications for employment and skills related programmes.

We also collect information via CCTV. CCTV is used for maintaining the security of property and premises and for preventing and investigating crime, it may also be used to monitor staff when carrying out work duties. For these reasons the information processed may include visual images, personal appearance and behaviours. This information may be about employees, customers and clients, offenders and suspected offenders, members of the public and those inside, entering or in the immediate vicinity of the area under surveillance. In addition, there may instances where our staff use body-worn video (BWV) technology in specific locations. Where BWV is used, this will be clearly sign-posted within the vicinity of the relevant area(s).


We use cookies on this websites in order to provide you with better services and user experience. If you wish to reject or delete cookies, please see the information at the bottom of this page.

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

We encourage you to accept the cookies our website uses as they help us to improve the user experience for you and many others.

We have this information on our website because of the new (2011) EU Cookie Law.

You can also read our Privacy notice.

View live cookies or update your preferences

If you wish you can review all cookies used on the site and full details about their use. You can also update your preferences, if you wish to permit or deny different cookies.

Do both by clicking the 'Cookie preferences' link in the footer area on any page of the website.

Data processing

Personal information is processed for the following specified purposes:

  • processing your requests and delivering services you request from us
  • sending you information which you have requested
  • auditing the usage of our websites
  • monitoring the usage of our websites to enable the us to update and tailor our websites to meet the needs of users
  • sending marketing information only where a person has specifically consented to this
  • to comply with our legal obligations including fraud protection and crime prevention
  • performing our statutory functions in relation to transport planning, service improvement and economic regeneration of the region.

We may keep a record of those weblinks which are most regularly used, thus enabling us to provide the most helpful information to users on our websites. Such information is held anonymously and you will not be personally identifiable from this information.

City Connect users

We would also like to:

  • send you information about cycling-related services offered by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • share your contact details with other organisations which provide cycling-related services, namely Cycling UK, Living Street, Sustrans, Cycle Leeds and BikeRight! only so that they may communicate with you about cycling-related services.
Data retention

We will retain your information in line with the period outlined at the time the data is collected and only for as long as it is necessary to do so.

In the event that we need to transfer personal information outside of the United Kingdom, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that the appropriate safeguards are in place and that your information is processed securely.

Any changes we make to this privacy statement will be posted on this page and where appropriate, will be notified to you by e-mail or post.

Disclosure of Data

We will only disclose your information to third parties when:

  • there is a business need to do so as we may use third parties to process data on our behalf or run projects in conjunction with other organisations. Should we anticipate such activity we will inform you at the point we collect information from you or at the nearest possible opportunity
  • we are under a duty to do so in order to comply with a legal obligation, or we are permitted to do so to protect the rights, property or safety of others; this includes, but is not limited to exchanging information with other organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and crime prevention. Should you wish to make a request for disclosure of third party data for crime or legal proceedings, where we are under a duty or are permitted to do so, please complete a request form for crime or legal proceedings and email it to
Your rights

You have the right to request us to stop processing your data. Please note this may result in the withdrawal of particular services you have requested from us where the processing of your data is necessary for the delivery of said services. Opting out of marketing communications will not affect your entitlement to receive services from us.

You have the right to request the information we hold about you. This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR). To make a SAR, please complete our SAR form.

If you are ever unhappy with how we have dealt with your request or the use of your personal data, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at:

The Office of the Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane


Contact Details

If you wish to contact us about this privacy statement or to make a request, please use the following details:

West Yorkshire Combined Authority Wellington House
40-50 Wellington Street

Tel: 0113 251 7272

Related information

  1. Covid-19 Privacy Notice

    In order to assist our region's local authorities with their response to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority will be receiving data from Public Health England (PHE) in relation to infection rates across the region.

    Read more about Covid-19 Privacy Notice