Statement on sentencing of Bardia Shojaeifard for the murder of Alfie Lewis

"Every single life lost to knife crime is one too many."

21 June 2024

Statement on sentencing of Bardia Shojaeifard for the murder of Alfie Lewis

Bardia Shojaeifard, 15, was given a life sentence today (21 June) for the murder of 15-year-old Alfie Lewis in Horsforth in November 2023.

The Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, said:

"Every single life lost to knife crime is one too many.

“While today’s sentencing brings some justice for Alfie, we must do far more to address the issue of knife crime. Through a new Serious Violence Strategy for our region we hope to stop more families having to endure heartbreak as a result of this senseless violence.

"My message to all children and young people across West Yorkshire would be to think very hard about the serious and often deadly consequences of choosing to carry a knife."

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