Next stage of plans for new transport services in Otley

People are being asked for their views on the latest proposals for a shared transport hub in the town.

20 August 2024

Plans to introduce new transport services in Otley are set to take another step forward.

People are being asked for their views on the latest proposals for a shared transport hub in the town.

Shared transport hubs are one-stop shops for transport services including features like cycle hire, car clubs and public transport information.

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority launched the shared transport hub initiative in a bid to get more people out of their cars and make it easier for them to choose sustainable modes of transport.

Following an initial consultation earlier this year, the public’s views have been taken on board and people in Otley are now being asked for their feedback on the next stage of proposals.

Under the latest plans, the hub would be located on Nelson Street, opposite the bus station, with facilities for secure cycle parking, access to shared e-bikes and a bike repair stand.

Real-time public transport information screens and extra signage for directions are also included.

Cllr Peter Carlill, Deputy Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee, said: “We want to encourage people to choose more sustainable ways to travel – and introducing a shared transport hub in Otley will make it easier to walk, cycle, wheel and use public transport in the town.

“The public should have their say on these latest proposals to help us build a greener, better-connected region.”

Further shared transport hubs are planned in Calderdale, with plans to roll them out across the region.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority is working in partnership with Leeds City Council and Otley Town Council to deliver the Otley Shared Transport Hub.

Councillor Jonathan Pryor, deputy leader of Leeds City Council and executive member for economy, transport and sustainable development, said:

“I’m excited to work with Otley Town Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority, looking to create a new sustainable transport hub in the town. The idea is simply to enable more people to have other transport options for their shorter journeys. By creating a one stop place for options on sustainable transport, it could give opportunities to encourage more people out of their cars and to try other ways to get about, especially for those shorter journeys.

“This supports our Connecting Leeds transport ambition to replace car journeys by sustainable travel. Every little bit we can do to help people to make that switch, will enable us to reach our ambition. I would encourage everyone to check out the proposals and have their say.”

Drop-in sessions and a webinar will be held over the next few weeks to find out more about the latest plans.

The consultation will run from Tuesday 20 August to Sunday 22 September 2024. For more information and to complete the survey, visit: