Leading the Response to Serious Violence

The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is helping to lead the national response to serious violence. Working with independent research and evaluation specialists Ecorys, it has developed a toolkit to support local partners with crucial evidence-based strategies.

29 July 2024

The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is helping to lead the national response to serious violence.

Working with independent research and evaluation specialists Ecorys, it has developed a toolkit to support local partners with crucial evidence-based strategies.

It contains guidance to create a roadmap for projects, programmes and policies, helping to show the potential impact of any activity.

Through a combination of guides and videos, it gives organisations methods to assess and monitor their approaches.

Director of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership, Det Ch Supt Lee Berry said:

“Evaluating what actually works and then applying learning, is imperative if we are to effectively respond to serious violence.

“There must be a consistent approach, and this new toolkit ensures we are all using the same yardstick for success.

“No one else has created anything to this degree nationally, and I know it will prove essential in sustaining our partnership impact across local communities.”

Kate Smith, Associate Director at Ecorys added:

“Ecorys is proud to collaborate with the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) on this project.

“We are committed to helping the VRP produce evidence-based approaches to reducing serious violence and were thrilled to work together to develop this comprehensive toolkit.

“By consulting VRP partners to understand their needs for monitoring and evaluation, we created robust, evidence-based strategies and practical guidance to support effective and sustainable solutions.

“This initiative highlights our dedication to delivering impactful research and evaluation, and we are excited about the toolkit's adoption and impact in preventing and reducing violence.”

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  1. Leading the Response to Serious Violence

    The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is helping to lead the national response to serious violence. Working with independent research and evaluation specialists Ecorys, it has developed a toolkit to support local partners with crucial evidence-based strategies.

    Read more about Leading the Response to Serious Violence