A Mayoral Combined Authority

On 9 May Tracy Brabin was elected the first Mayor of West Yorkshire. With specific powers on transport, housing, regeneration, finance and policing, the Mayor will work with the Mayoral Combined Authority, council leaders, business representatives and partners for the benefit of the region.

The Mayor of West Yorkshire

In May 2021, Tracy Brabin was elected Mayor of West Yorkshire, representing the interests of 2.3 million people across the region. The Mayor has responsibility for transport, housing and planning, and finance powers, as well as the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner, supported by an appointed Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe OBE. As the Chair of the Combined Authority, the Mayor works with partners across the region and beyond to deliver regeneration and economic development, and co-ordinate the long-term programmes that will transform West Yorkshire.

The Mayor also brings the region greater influence within Government at national level, including on economic recovery, the power to shape Government policy and access further funding.

Read Tracy Brabin's Mayoral pledges for West Yorkshire.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

With the Mayor of West Yorkshire as its directly-elected chair, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority brings together the local authorities of
Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield, working in partnership with the City of York.

This way of working combines the insights and benefits of private sector knowledge and expertise with robust, transparent, public sector governance, accountability and oversight from the Combined Authority. This is important as the region takes on further devolved powers and funding from central Government. Together, we are working hard to make our region be recognised globally as a place with a strong, successful economy where everyone can build great businesses, careers and lives supported by a sustainable environment and world-class infrastructure.

It means we can put the long term needs of our communities and the people who live and work in West Yorkshire at the heart of everything we do, ensuing we can support inclusive growth and supporting the needs of our region's employers. We also play a central role in travel across West Yorkshire, operating the Metro network of almost 14,000 bus stops, travel centres and public transport information across the region, and working closely with West Yorkshire bus operators to improve services and the bus network. Metro supports free and subsidised travel, concessionary fares, transport to and from school for more than 40,000 West Yorkshire pupils, and manages the MCard travel card.

  1. The Combined Authority

    Learn more about West Yorkshire Combined Authority and how we work in partnership with local councils and businesses.

  2. The devolution deal

    Read how the devolution deal sets out the new powers, funding and responsibilities which will be transferred from central Government to West Yorkshire.

  3. What does the devolution deal mean for my area?

    Discover what the devolution deal means for the area of West Yorkshire you live in.

  4. Mayoral Green Jobs Gateway

    Align your business with the Mayor’s pledge to create 1,000 well paid green jobs for young people.

    Learn more

Read the latest news from the Mayor