Current Vacancies

Our vision is to create a West Yorkshire that is prosperous, well connected, safe, inclusive and a hotbed of creativity and sustainability. We are looking for talented individuals to join our passionate teams to help deliver this vision in creative and innovative ways fit for the future.


All applications for roles with West Yorkshire Combined Authority are made online via our recruitment portal. Please make sure you explain clearly within your application form how you meet the elements of the role profile. Please see our Advice for Candidates webpage for guidance with this.

Our shortlisting process is anonymous. The shortlisting panel will not be given your name or other personal details. The only information used for shortlisting is that which is relevant to your potential performance in the role. Panel members will therefore only see your responses to the Supporting Statement, Previous Jobs, Qualifications, Volunteering, Memberships.

Please do not upload a CV to your application form.

If a CV is attached to the application form, this will not be shared with the recruiting manager and will be discarded. 

If after commencing your application form you are unable to complete it straight away, under the ‘More’ menu there is an option to ‘Complete Later’. Once this option is selected a link will be generated to the email address you provide at Step 1 of the application form. Please be aware this link will expire after 7 days. If you believe it will take you longer than 7 days to complete your application, ensure that you access your application within 6 days of the link being sent and follow the steps above to ‘Complete Later’. This will generate a new link which will expire after a further 7 days.

If you do not submit your application or generate a new link before the link expires, your application will be lost and a new application will need to be started to enable you to apply for the role.

If you have any difficulties with submitting your application please contact us.  Please note emails are picked up Monday-Friday 8am – 6pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

You can read our privacy notice for applicants, which explains how we protect and manage your personal data.

Featured roles

Most recently added roles

Soonest to expire

  1. Network Manager


    • Transport Policy & Delivery
    • (9) £48,069 - £54,690

    Salary: £48,069 pa (pay award pending) | Location: Leeds/Hybrid

    Read more about Network Manager